sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2010


You are the ligth of my day, even in the darkest moment, I cannot live without you, how can anyone survive in this world without a big brigth ligth? You give me confidence to move on, you give me happines to keep living, an you give me love. I can't say how much I'm happy to have you as a part of me, as a part of my heart, as a part of my life. I would die if anything happens to you, I wouldn't bare living without your shinning ligth. Everything you touch gets more beautiful, everything you say, becomes law, everything you do is a good action. You're able to make even a single shopping at the store becomes the funnyest day. Thank you to bring your light into my life, into my home, into my day, thank you. I love you 'till the end of the days. Our friendship worth more than gold, is much much more valiable than diamont an is priceless. I love you.

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